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Actualidad Contable Faces ; 25(45):79-92, 2022.
Article in English | Web of Science | ID: covidwho-2309744


The COVID-19 pandemic has been an unforeseen event that has generated serious and negative consequences in a variety of sectors, including business. Thus, there is a large knowledge gap linked to the identification of the specific effects that the pandemic has generated in companies that provide essential services for the population. This research aimed to determine the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on the profitability of the banking sector of the Lima Stock Exchange. An applied type of work, with a quantitative approach, correlational scope and non-experimental design was proposed. The hypothesis formulated was verified, since, based on the statistical and comparative data generated based on the economic and financial profitability of the entities studied, it can be affirmed that the Covid-19 pandemic had a negative effect on the profitability of the banking sector of the Lima Stock Exchange.

Universidad y Sociedad ; 15(1):770-778, 2023.
Article in Spanish | Scopus | ID: covidwho-2274407


This research work aims to assess the use of Information and Communication Technologies (ICT), in times of the COVID-19 pandemic and its impact on the digitalization of the administration of justice in Peru. For this, the mixed paradigm was used, complying with the criteria of a non-experimental descriptive investigation. Theoretical and empirical methods were used, in addition to descriptive statistical methods based on graphical analysis. The results focus on the variables: procedural burden, understood as the number of judicial processes and the approval rate of the judiciary. It was found that the use of ICT avoided the suspension of procedural activities in the administration of justice, it was possible to reduce the number of judicial processes, which facilitated the processing and reduced the disapproval of the judiciary. It was concluded that the application and use of ICTs in times of the COVID-19 pandemic was an ideal and convenient experience for the context, streamlining interaction in the judicial field, facilitating the performance of procedural activities and being configured as a support tool in judicial work, favoring the judicial system and its procedural actors. © 2023, University of Cienfuegos, Carlos Rafael Rodriguez. All rights reserved.

Archivos Venezolanos de Farmacologia y Terapeutica ; 41(10):734-741, 2022.
Article in English | EMBASE | ID: covidwho-2227527


The article is framed in the category of systematic review, responds to the review, analysis, and bibliographic selection of existing articles of the last 10 years, linked to the importance of university teacher communication in virtual education. It aims to describe the importance of university teacher communication in the teaching-learning process within virtual educational practice. He belongs to the research line of pedagogical innovation, is descriptively and methodologically has followed the guidelines of the flow of systematic review of the scientific literature, making use of the prism method, review table of articles, table of s, statistical graphs of the reviewed scientific literature, analysis of the results, discussion, and conclusions of the reviewed literature.The results of the 23 selected articles make visible the position of different writers regarding the communication of the university professor, virtual education, the link between both criteria and certain characteristics;the literature reflects a lack of articles that delimit the impact of the communicative strategies used in the virtual education process. However, relevant information was found regarding the importance of communication and communication skills of teachers in their educational practice and in the process of training future professionals. Copyright © 2022, Venezuelan Society of Pharmacology and Clinical and Therapeutic Pharmacology. All rights reserved.

7th Brazilian Technology Symposium, BTSym 2021 ; 207 SIST:412-419, 2023.
Article in English | Scopus | ID: covidwho-1971369


In the context of the COVID-19 health emergency, it is necessary to have devices that help identify symptoms that indicate whether a person has COVID-19. As one of the main symptoms is fever, which can be identified by measuring body temperature, different non-contact measurement methods are being widely used as an alternative to traditional contact thermometers. However, readings with thermographic cameras present limitations in terms of high dependence on the environment. For this reason, this article aims to validate the temperature measurements of a thermographic camera by comparing different models using as a reference standard the readings of a calibrated medical infrared thermometer. For this purpose, 463 measurements were analyzed using an infrared thermometer and a thermographic camera simultaneously. As significant differences were observed between the measurements made using statistical analyses with (p< 0.05 ), models were developed establishing weighting and compensation criteria to obtain similar readings between the values measured from the thermal images and the infrared thermometer. For uncertainty estimation, linear and non-linear regression models such as artificial neural networks were tested, selecting the best model that allows reducing the variation among the readings. © 2023, The Author(s), under exclusive license to Springer Nature Switzerland AG.

Brazilian Journal of Infectious Diseases ; 26, 2022.
Article in English | EMBASE | ID: covidwho-1693871


Introdução: A Traqueobroncomegalia ou Síndrome de Moünier-Kuhn (SMK) é uma doença rara, observada principalmente em homens de meia idade antes da 5ª década de vida. Caracteriza-se por perda ou atrofia das fibras musculoesqueleticas da parede da traqueia e dos brônquios principais, levando a um comprometimento respiratório significativo devido a bronquiectasias, alterações que facilitam as infecções por agentes como o Aspergillus. Descrição do caso: Masculino, 54 anos, Hepatite C, Diabetes Mellitus tipo 2, usuário de drogas inalatórias, ex-tabagista. Admitido por febre, tosse, hemoptise e dispneia. RT-PCR SARS-CoV-2, BAAR de escarro/Genexpert e hemocultura todos negativos. Tomografia cumputadorizada (TC) de tórax: Traqueobroncomegalia, calibre de traqueia 3,6 cm e brônquios com calibre de até 2,8 cm, bronquiectasias císticas / cavidades preenchidas por material sugestivo de bola fúngica (Fig. 1). Broncoscopia: Providencia (tratada com Piperacilina-Tazobactam). Imunodifusão para Aspergillus fumigatus e Galactomanana em sangue positivo, tratado com Anfotericina B liposomal por 13 dias, suspenso por comprometimento renal e hepático, aos 50 dias de internação começou a apresentar Delirium por encefalopatia hepática, foi recomendado tratamento cirúrgico (bola fúngica) e embolização de artéria endobrônquica (hemoptise massiva intermitente requerendo transfusão de concentrado de hemácias), enquanto aguardava vaga para procedimento cirúrgico, evolui-o com ascite severa, derrame pleural a esquerda, sobre infecção pulmonar e choque séptico, foi intubado, transferido a Unidade de Cuidados Intensivos, 72 horas depois evoluiu a óbito, completando 70 dias de internação hospitalar. Comentários: A SMK caracteriza-se pelo aumento do diâmetro da traqueia e dos brônquios principais associado à redução do clearance mucociliar, o que facilita as infecções respiratórias. O diagnóstico é feito por TC de tórax. O tratamento só é realizado nos sintomáticos, objetivando tratar o fator desencadeante da descompensação. No caso apresentado deve ser tratada a bola fúngica (Aspergillose pulmonar). Se a traqueobroncomegalia coexistir com condições como: necessidade de ventilação mecânica, asma, DPOC e tabagismo, a síndrome torna-se fator agravante, como é o caso do nosso paciente. A cirurgia não é realizada na maioria dos casos, sua indicação é individualizada, sendo que a implantação de stent traqueal foi benéfica em alguns casos avançados.

Brazilian Journal of Infectious Diseases ; 26, 2022.
Article in English | EMBASE | ID: covidwho-1693846


Introdução: A Medicina de Viagem existe há mais de 40 anos. A prática desta especialidade no Brasil começou em 1997 na cidade do Rio de Janeiro. No entanto, essa especialidade é praticamente desconhecida no Brasil, apesar do grande número de brasileiros que viajam anualmente dentro e fora do país. Métodos: Com o objetivo de determinar o conhecimento dos brasileiros sobre a existência da Medicina de Viagem e suas atitudes em relação a ela, realizamos uma enquete online com 10 questões, da qual participaram 3.237 brasileiros. Resultados: Apesar de mais de 95% dos participantes saberem que para viajar a determinados países precisam tomar certas vacinas, apenas 28% dos participantes já ouviu falar em Medicina de Viagem, dos quais 30% tinha realizado uma consulta com um especialista antes de viajar. Depois de conhecer a definição e os objetivos da especialidade, mais de 90% considerou importante realizar uma consulta pré-viagem. Conclusão: A falta de conhecimento é a principal barreira para o acesso dos brasileiros à consulta de Medicina de Viagem. É necessário divulgar a especialidade, utilizando evidências científicas e tendo como exemplo a difusão mundial da COVID-19 por meio dos viajantes, conscientizar a população sobre a importância da consulta pré e pós-viagem.